National Agency for Renewable Energies

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- Address : 120 cité asecna, liberté 6 extension ,
- Sector:
- Accomplishments:
General Director: Djiby NDIAYE
Senegal's strong energy dependence vis-à-vis fossil fuels has the effect of making particularly vulnerable economic production system, besides the unbearable pressure that uncontrollable variations in oil prices have on public finances. Therefore the Government of Senegal has decided to implement a policy to seek alternative solutions to energy supply problems by encouraging the development of renewable energy. To achieve this we must take accompanying measures, in particular the establishment of an appropriate legal framework and incentive enough. Thus the legislative and regulatory provisions on renewable energy have been articulated. It is : Law No. 2010-21 concerning the outline law on renewable energies; Law No. 2010-22 concerning the outline law of the biofuel industry; Decree No. 2011-2013 on the implementation of the framework law on renewable energies and on the conditions of purchase and electricity pay produced by power plants from renewable energy sources and their connection to network; Decree No. 2011-2014 on the implementation of the framework law on renewable energy sources on conditions for purchase and pay the electric energy surplus renewable origin resulting from production for own consumption.
The ANER mission is to promote the use of renewable energies including bio-energy in all sectors.
As such, she is responsible include:
• Participate in the formulation of energy policy, particularly in renewable energy
• Carry out technical studies, economic and financial projects relating to renewable energy and monitor implementation
• Contribute to the development of an attractive legal and regulatory framework for renewable energy development
• Contribute to the improvement of research and development and encourage technological inventions Renewable Energy
• Identify, assess and exploit the potential of renewable energy resources and popularize the use of equipment for the production of electricity from renewable sources
• Develop and implement programs of information, awareness, communication, education, and training demonstrating the technical interest, economic, social and environmental Renewable Energy
• Carry forward-looking and strategic studies for the development of Renewable Energy
• Participate in promoting the emergence and development of companies working in the field of Renewable Energy and encourage investment in this sector
• Identify and exploit innovative financing mechanisms for development of renewable energies, including carbon finance
• Develop and implement national projects and programs of Renewables and ensure consistency
• Develop the bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the field of Renewable Energy
• Working in the field of energy management, in close collaboration with the Agency for Energy Management.