National Assembly
- 5.00
- Address : Place Soweto, BP 86 Dakar,
- Sector: Législatif Power
- Accomplishments:
President: Moustapha NIASSE
1st Vice-Chair: Awa GUEYE
2nd Vice-Chair: Moustapha Cissé LO
3th Vice-C: Abdou MBOW
The National Assembly is competent in matters of legislative initiative. The Government is preparing bills and parliamentary legislative proposals. The proposed law is necessarily deposited on the Bureau of the Assembly of the Parliamentary proponent. Legislative proposals are distributed to members at least ten days prior to consideration by the relevant committee. Law proposals are, after examination by the Bureau for the purposes of admissibility, communicated to the President of the Republic shall give its opinion to the President of the National Assembly within ten days after their transmission. The law, once adopted, be sent forthwith by the President of the National Assembly to the President of the Republic for enactment. Parliament shall also finance laws of the projects in accordance with an organic law. Parliament has sixty days to vote finances of the draft laws. The President of the National Assembly and other officers are elected for a term of one year. They may be reelected. The mandates of the President and other officers of the National Assembly are renewed at the first meeting of the regular session. • • Parliamentary Groups • A parliamentary group is an association of parliamentarians coming together according to their political choices in a Parliament chamber. The group constitution allows elected members who are to benefit from certain advantages (speaking time vice presidential commissions, for example). According to the rules of procedure of the National Assembly, members can organize themselves into groups, political affinities: no group can comprise less than ten members, not including related deputies, as provided in paragraph 2 of . Article 23 "no member may be part of only one parliamentary group is prohibited group formation for the defense of special interests Currently, the national Assembly has two parliamentary groups.." Bennoo Bokk Yaakaar "( 117 deputies), "Liberal" (12 deputies) and 11 non members. • • Non-attached Members • Non-attached Members are members who are not members or related to a parliamentary group of the National Assembly. But their designated representative participates in the work of the Conference of Presidents, by rotation determined on a consensual basis. They can also be likened to a group of their choice. But for that, they should write to the Chairman of the group concerned shall inform the President of the National Assembly, which informs the Bureau and the Assembly