Pape Demba DIALLO
Departments: Prefect- Terms of Office:
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Eastern Senegal, Pape Demba Diallo landed in the Senegalese capital. The main civil administrator left the department of Kédougou to that of Pikine. The civil servant has served previously in Saraya and Ranérou. Pikine is thus the fourth department where the prefect is called to exercise its powers. "The Department of Pikine is the major container projects and programs of the State Department that I have the honor to lead, by its demographic importance, its strategic location and its strong economic potential doubling of the quality of its human resources cannot be outdone in this vast project network for the emergence of Senegal, "said Pape Demba Diallo when he took office. Given the magnitude of the tasks mentioned, Papa Demba Diallo expressed his willingness to work with local elected officials and the people of Pikine. This team work is a way to find a panacea to concerns and strengthen the achievements of the department. The prefect there Guedji Diouf replaces governor promoted in the Fatick region.Tags: Préfet de Pikine