Khoudia MBAYE

Government: Minister

  • Terms of Office: 2012
  • Birthday (Month, Date): 12 Avril 1954
  • Accomplishments:
  • Assets:
Born April 12, 1954 in St. Louis Khoudia Mbaye is the position of Minister of Investment Promotion, partnerships and the development of TV services. The Ministry implements appropriate strategies to attract investors, domestic and foreign Senegal. Former Regional Councillor of St. Louis, Khoudia Mbaye held a position in the Department of Urban Planning and Housing between April 2012 and September 2013. A geographer by training, the Minister of Investment Promotion, partnerships and development of Teleservices holds a DEA and a third cycle PhD in Geography and Planning, University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne. She also holds a Master of letters of Geography of the University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar. Political activist, Khoudia Mbaye debuted with the Democratic League / Movement for the Labour Party (LD / MPT) to the 1980 Became member of the Politburo in 1994 she climbed the ladder and became successively permanent secretary in 1998, President the women's movement of the party in 2006 and Deputy General Secretary of the party to the 2008 Congress. From 1993 to 1996, Khoudia Mbaye held several positions within the ministries in the government of it was the post of technical advisor of the Minister of Environment and Nature Protection. Under the Liberals, she was Chief of Staff of the Minister of Public Service, Labour, Employment and Professional Organizations between 2000 and 2005. The native of St. Louis, has also made a name in the middle union, she was a member of the Union of Teachers of Senegal Unit.
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