Mame Mbaye NIANG

Government: Minister

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Minister of Youth, Employment and Citizen Building, Mame Niang Mbaye is a framework for civil aviation. In July 2014, Mame Niang Mbaye enters the government as minister. Its mission is to implement the policy defined by the Head of the State youth affairs, employment and promotion of civic values. The Minister of Youth, Employment and Citizen Construction was previously Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the High Authority of the Léopold Sedar Senghor airport before being transferred to the Presidency of the Board of Blaise Diagne International airport. With a Bachelor of series D obtained in 1998, he joined the African School of Meteorology and Civil Aviation after a brief stint at UCAD. Mame Niang Mbaye holds a degree Controller of Air Navigation in 2004. In 2007, he earned his degree in engineering technologist African Management Institute. The Minister of Youth, Employment and Citizen construction is the son of the deputy Imam Mbaye Niang, current leader of the Reform Movement for Social Development (bn). The mandate of the father in the National Assembly is still ongoing. Mame Niang Mbaye stands out from the path set by his father. He chose to wear the colors of the Alliance for the Republic (Apr). Within the Convergence of young Republicans, it was to the head of the General Secretariat for Relations with the youth of the party.
Tags: Ministre de la Jeunesse de l’Emploi et de la construction citoyenne
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