Matar BA

Government: Minister

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Successor to President Macky Sall for mayor of Fatick since 2014, Matar Bâ also ensures Senegal's sports minister’s functions. He is the third minister of sports since the advent of the Republican regime in 2012. Matar Bâ, was active in associations, including the organization of popular national championships (navetanes) efore be propelled to the post. He made a name in the environment by integrating the national coordinating holiday activities Organization (Oncav) in the 1990s From 2008 to 2011, Matar Bâ became president of said structure. Former professor of civics to the private institute Mame Mindiss (town of Fatick), the Minister of Sports also managed the office of communication of the inspection Academy of Fatick. Member of the Alliance for the Republic, the native of Diakhao Sine (Fatick region) now needs to promote physical education and popular in sports. The minister will also ensure the realization of sports facilities spread across the country.
Tags: Ministre des sports
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